and revealed that she's been battling anorexia and bulimia for the past 11 years.
Gaga captioned the pics, "Bulimia and anorexia since I was 15.My weight/loss/gain since I was child has tormented me."
She also thanked her fans and her boyfriend Taylor Kinney for making her feel good about herself, writing, "My boyfriend prefers me curvier," and added,"When I eat and am healthy and not so worried about my looks, I'm happy. Happier than I've ever been."
Along with the above photo, Gaga also posted a photo showing her tattoo-filled left side, and another focusing in on her sexy and ample backside. Daddy likes! (PHOTOS)
MADONNA GOES ON OBSCENITY-FILLED PRO-OBAMA RANT: MADONNA'S MDNA Tour made a stop in Washington, D.C. on Monday night, and this time, her on-stage antics included a Pro-OBAMA speech, during which she referred to the president as a "black Muslim."
Her profanity-laced re-election plea went like this: "Y'all better vote for [effing] Obama, okay? For better or for worse, all right? We have a black Muslim in the White House, okay? Now that is some [s**t]. That's some amazing [s**t]."
"It means there is hope in this country. And Obama is fighting for gay rights, so support the man, [gosh darn it]."
Madge also took off her top to expose a fake "OBAMA" tattoo on her lower back, and threatened to"take it all off" when, quote, "Obama is in the White House for a second term." Well, if that's not enough to make you vote for Romney, then I don't know what is!
Madonna later released a statement claiming she was being "ironic" when she referred to Obama being a "black Muslim." Quote, "Yes, I know Obama is not a Muslim . . . though I know that plenty of people in this country think he is. And what if he were? The point I was making is that a good man is a good man, no matter who he prays to. I don't care what religion Obama is . . . nor should anyone else in America."
BABY POOP - SNOOKI REVEALS POST-BABY BODY: SNOOKI Tweeted out an Instagram picture of her posing alongside three friends, and barely a month after giving birth, she appears to have gotten her figure back.
And her waistline wasn’t the only thing she was showing off this weekend. On Sunday, she posted a new pic of baby Lorenzo sitting on her lap, with the caption, “My babyyyyy.”
NATALIE PORTMAN'S NEW BLONDE ‘DO - YES OR NO?: NATALIE PORTMAN debuted a new look over the weekend -- blonde hair! What do you think of Portman's new blonde 'do, Yes or No?. (SIDE BY SIDE COMPARISON)
'DANCING WITH THE STARS: ALL STARS' UPDATE: "Dancing With the Stars" first "All-Star" elimination last night came down to BRISTOL PALIN, KIRSTIE ALLEY, and PAMELA ANDERSON.
And to no one's surprise, it was PAMELA ANDERSON. Heck, even she wasn't surprised.
On a related note ... No one is more elated at Anderson's elimination than the shows backstage crew. According to TMZ, Pamela had required that the shows staff stock her trailer with "impossible to find" coconut water that's available only in Australia.
Kirstie, meanwhile, has her own backstage diva demands. She's been on a strict diet for years, and not about to cheat now. Word is, instead of nibbling on the meals provided to all the celebrity dancers, Alley insists that custom-designed meals be delivered backstage just for her.
THEN AND NOW - VICTORIA BECKHAM: Check out these old-school modeling shots of an 18-year-old Victoria Beckham. (SEE MORE)
HEIDI KLUM, meanwhile, Tweeted out this set of 16 black and white pictures from an old photo shoot of hers, although she didn't specify from how long ago. (Click on the pic to enlarge)
KARDASHIANS DON'T CARE ABOUT KANYE SEX TAPE WITH KIM LOOK ALIKE: Note to KANYE; neither KIM nor her mom have a problem with the 20-minute sex tape of you being shopped around.
In fact, according to RadarOnline, a source supposedly close to the family tells them that "all of the Kardashians love Kanye and they have told him that they don’t care...about his sex tape.”
KRIS JENNER thinks it's "no big deal," and the fact that the woman was a Kim K. lookalike is apparently adorbs. "They all joked that Kanye has a type," adds the blabbermouth source.
R.I.P - ANDY WILLIAMS: Andy Williams, the man who famously lent his voice to the Oscar-winning song "Moon River" from 'Breakfast at Tiffany's,' passed away on Tuesday after a long battle with bladder cancer. He was 84.
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