Monday, May 20, 2013

EVA LONGORIA'S EMBARRASSING WARDROBE MISHAP - FLASHES FANS AT CANNES: EVA LONGORIA gave onlookers an eyeful at the Cannes Film Festival in France on Saturday accidentally flashing fans and photographers as she lifted her gown up to avoid stepping in rain puddles.

Even after carefully studying photos, it's not clear if Eva was going commando or if she was wearing flesh colored underwear, but either way, what ever was going on down there doesn't appear family friendly. We Report, You Decide! (PHOTO)

Speaking of celebs going commando in the name of fashion ... HEIDI KLUM chose to either go panty-less or in a thong to rock a sexy high slit dress at the Toys "R" Us Children's Gala in New York. We know this because Heidi tripped onstage, and her unexpected tumble exposed some of her backside.

As embarrassing as it was, she handled it like a champ Tweeting out this photo with the caption "(No comment)" ...

BILLBOARD AWARDS HIGHLIGHTS - BIEBER BOOED AS SELENA SMIRKS: Last night's "Billboard Music Awards" included a very defensive acceptance speech from JUSTIN BIEBER and MIGUEL falling butt-first on some girl.

More on The Biebs hurt feelings in a bit, first let's talk about Miguel's stage jump fail. In what can only be described as a poorly planned decision, Miguel jumped from the stage to the catwalk while performing one of his song, but he wasn't able to clear it cleanly and partially landed on a couple of fans. (VIDEO)

Even though one of the girls looked like she was in excruciating pain, word is no one was seriously hurt and Miguel brought the one he landed on butt-first backstage after the incident so he could personally apologize to her. 

Meanwhile ... Justin Bieber was honored with the first-ever "Milestone Award" and as he walked to the stage to accept the honor, some of the crowd started booing him. So when he got up front, he launched into a defensive speech that included this:

"I'm 19 years old, I think I'm doing a pretty good job and basically, from my heart, I really wanna say it should really be about the music. It should be about the craft, the craft that I'm making. This is not a gimmick. I'm an artist, and I should be taken seriously and all this other bull should not be spoken of."

While Justin was going off ... the camera cut to ex SELENA GOMEZ who appeared to smirk while BFF TAYLOR SWIFT whispered an aside to her. Think Tay was being snarky?

Other highlights included KID ROCK calling people out for lip-synching ... and TAYLOR SWIFT telling the the crowd during her acceptance speech for Artist of the Year, quote, "You're the longest and best relationship I ever had." And if that relationship ever ended, we all know what would happen.

JUSTIN BIEBER, SELENA GOMEZ DO NOT APPEAR TO BE BACK TOGETHER: The gossip sites are drooling over a JUSTIN BIEBER - SELENA GOMEZ reunion backstage at the Billboard Music Awards last night, but the reality seems a little different. Yes, they shared a quick smooch shortly after the awards show ended, but video shows Selena clearly turns her head and offers Justin her cheek, and though they appear friendly, you can see her backing away to put a little distance between them.

So the gossip sites and tabloids can say what they want, check out the video and see for yourself. In my humble opinion, the heat is just not there.

BEYONCE PREGNANCY RUMORS INTENSIFY: It's still not official yet, but the BEYONCÉ pregnancy rumors are intensifying. E! is claiming that "multiple" sources have confirmed that Beyonce is indeed pregnant with her and JAY-Z'S second child, but they're not naming their sources.

Beyoncé hit back at the press for the constant speculation about her womb, posting the following note on Instagram: “I can't stop the rumors from starting, and I can't really change peoples minds who believe them, all I can do is sit back and laugh at these low life people who have nothing better to do than talk about me.” The post was later taken down.

But if she has been fetused again, she’s not showing yet. During a performance in Milan over the weekend, Bey was rockin' a pretty flat tummy in her skintight purple jump suit. (PHOTO)


Britain's not-always-reliable The Sun tabloid reports that Sharon has allowed Ozzy to move back into their Beverly Hills mansion. The Prince of Freakin' Darkness moved out -- or rather, was kicked out -- about a month ago after falling off the wagon. T

The tab says assistants were recently spotted moving clothes and boxes from Ozzy's rented pad into their nearby home. Sharon was also seen wearing a huge diamond on her wedding finger again.

The two reunited in public Saturday night walking the red carpet with daughter KELLY OSBAOURNE at a Beverly Hills event. Ozzy was even photographed planting a kiss on Sharon's cheek as Kelly watched, beaming with happiness.

LINDSAY LOHAN GAINING WEIGHT IN REHAB: LINDSAY LOHAN is supposedly porking out in rehab. Sources say that ever since doctors took away her Adderall last week, she can’t stop eating, causing her to gain … wait for it …five pounds!

Sources say Linds has been “extremely emotional this past week and finding comfort in food.” Adding to the problem, insiders say the food at Betty Ford is “really, really good,” explaining, “meals are elaborate affairs, featuring lots of delicious desserts. Lindsay just can’t say no to the food.”

R.I.P.: Singer/songwriter Alan O'Day lost his battle with cancer on Friday. He was 72.

O'Day was best known for his 1977 number one hit "Undercover Angel," and for writing Helen Redd's number one hit "Angel Baby" and the Top 5 hit "Rock and Roll Heaven" for the Righteous Brothers.

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