Wednesday, June 06, 2012

RIHANNA GETS INTO IT WITH REPORTER WHO ASKED ABOUT CHRIS BROWN: CHRIS BROWN is obviously still a raw subject for RIHANNA because RiRi got pretty ticked off at a reporter for the British edition of "Esquire" who brought him up.

The interviewer brought up Rihanna recording two remixes with Chris earlier this year, and said it might send the wrong message that she had, quote, "gone back to someone who put you in the hospital." Rihanna was not pleased.

"Oh really? Did I? Did I? Did I? Did I?" she replied. "If I went back to him [as a girlfriend], then that’s a whole different discussion."

Undeterred, the interviewer then explained that it might be hard for the public to separate a professional reconciliation from a personal one. To which Rihanna replied, "This is turning into a tacky interview. I'm not here to [talk] about messy [crap].

You can read the entire exchange HERE.

JEWEL SHOWS US HER TWEETS: JEWEL is playing JUNE CARTER CASH in a movie currently being filmed for Lifetime, and she's doing her best to look like June. In fact, she's so proud of her "transformation" she Tweeted this photo ...

Speaking of made-for-TV transformations ... LINDSAY LOHAN as we all know is playing ELIZABETH TAYLOR in the Lifetime movie Liz & Dick. Yesterday, LiLo had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction while shooting a scene.

Evidently, the plunging halter dress she was wearing could not contain all of her because she suffered a nip slip right in front of cameras! Check out the UNCENSORED pics HERE and HERE. Cochina!

SPLITSVILLE - POPULATION DEBRA MESSING, KIMORA LEE SIMMONS: DEBRA MESSING has filed for divorce from her husband a year after the couple announced their separation. Debra cited “irreconcilable differences,” as the reason for the split, and she is seeking joint custody of their 8-year-old son. She also wants spousal and child support.

DJIMON HOUNSOU has reportedly broken up with KIMORA LEE SIMONS after a "big fight over money." An insider tells the New York Daily News the split may have been prompted by her ex-husband Russell Simmons' decision to stop funding the couple's lifestyle


CELEBRITY IN TROUBLE - AMANDA BYNES: AMANDA BYNES has been officially charged with one count of misdemeanor DUI after her April arrest when she clipped a police car and allegedly attempted to flee the scene. (Mug shot below)

If convicted, she faces a maximum of 2 hours six months in jail. But Bynes doesn’t think she deserves any time and went all the way to the top to plead her case. Yesterday she tweeted, "Hey BarackObama... I don't drink. Please fire the cop who arrested me. I also don't hit and run. The end.”

MARIAH CAREY SHOWS US HER TWEETS: MARIAH CAREY Tweeted a cute picture of herself with "dem babies" ...

IS THIS PHOTO OF THE OCTOMOM SUPER SEXY? WE REPORT, YOU DECIDE: A publicity shot for THE OCTO-MOM'S  upcoming solo sex movie was tweeted yesterday.  What do you think of  Nadya Suleman's porno makeover? Sexy or not?

Yes, it's probably Photoshopped and she's posed to hide certain "problem areas" caused by carrying eight babies around in her belly for nine months, but if  you take the photo on its own merits alone, survey says I'd definitely hit 'dat!

WATCH - BETTY WHITE MEETS HER WAX TWIN: National Treasure BETTY WHITE showed up at Madame Tussauds in Hollywood on Monday for the unveiling of her new wax figure. Here's what she had to say about her wax doppelganger ...

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